The management of public lighting often represents a challenge for most of the Local Administrations in terms of costly energy bills, inefficient maintenance and lost opportunities to offer additional services to the citizens reusing public lighting infrastructures (e.g., Wi-Fi hot spots).
Some facts and figures related to the situation in Italy:
PELL(Public Energy Living Lab) project being gradually implemented by 8.000+ Italian Municipalities, has made it possible to create, through the definition of a specific data model, a digital platform for the structured and harmonised collection of the georeferenced identity data of the Public Lighting for each Municipality.
Launched in July 2019, PELL has collected 80.788 light points thanks to 13 Italian Municipalities that have joined the platform.
Moreover, PELL implementation represents also a solution to reorganise and modernise the management processes and the entire decision support system in the public lighting sector. This platform will also allow to provide services based on public lighting infrastructures (e.g., Wi-Fi hot spots, cameras).
The webinar aims to share best practice of digital platform for the smart management of infrastructures being currently implemented at national level, but easily reusable in other countries.
In this webinar Giacomo Martirano consultant at Joint Research Centre, Nicoletta Gozo, Laura Blaso from ENEA and Gabriele Ciasullo from AgID will walk us through:
From this webinar, different stakeholder groups may benefit: